About the NRAO Library

The NRAO Library is located in the Charlottesville, Virginia Headquarters and provides collections, reference materials, bibliographic statistics, and more to the NRAO Community and beyond. Additional information is available on our Policy page.


The Library maintains physical collections of journals, books, internal documents, and exchanges from observatories and institutions around the globe. We also provide collections of electronic journals, eBooks, and videos from NRAO meetings and events.

Our primary, electronic resources are available to all employees through direct, IP-based access. Use IT provided remote services to access subcriptions when away from NRAO. Any physical items from the collection you may need can be sent to you by inter-office mail.


Under the Resources menu you will find links to tables of contents for internal memos and reports and the bibliographic databases for NRAOPapers and NRAOTheses. Statistics derived from NRAOPapers are linked there, too.

Contact Us

Any resource we do not own or have access rights to that you need we will obtain for you, generally within 48 business hours, via the most cost effective means available which can include interlibrary loan(ILL). Please contact the Library Staff to let us know how we may assist you.

Modified on Wednesday, 22-Jul-2020 11:22:48 EDT by Library Staff