Resources Provided by the NRAO Library
The full list of the Library's electronic journal collection. | |
A complete description of how to find eBooks using the catalog and a listing of eBook sites to which we subscribe. | |
A listing of NRAO internal memoranda grouped by category or series name. Search interface coming soon! | |
A faceted search interface for the NRAO publications bibliography initiated in July 1978 as RAPS. The bibliography consists of citations of published papers using NRAO telescope data or those written by an NRAO staff member. | |
A faceted search interface for theses that use NRAO instruments or data. | |
Bibliometric statistics of papers included in the NRAO publications bibliography (NRAOPapers). | |
Videos related to NRAO telescopes and events like the annual Jansky Lecture. | |
A listing of the Library's collection of apocrypha (items of questionable authenticity and/or content). |