Memos, equipment manuals, and other publications (Annual Reports, proceedings of NRAO meetings, etc.) of NRAO.
Instrument Memos
- Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)
- Green Bank Telescope (GBT)
- Next Generation Very Large Array Memos (ngVLA)
- Very Large Array Memos (VLA)
- Very Long Baseline Array Memos (VLBA)
Divisional Memos
- Astronomical Image Processing System (AIPS)
- North American ALMA Science Center, (NAASC) Memo Series
- Computing Division (CDIR, CAG, COG)
- Electronics Division (EDIR, EDTN)
- Engineering Division (EnDIR, Antenna Barn)
- Green Bank Memo Series (300FT, GBI, ABI, etc.)
- RFI Memo Series
- Tucson Division (12M, 25M)
- Miscellaneous (Chem Lab, FEDL, OVLBI, TODR, VLBI, VLBP)
- NRAO Instrument Manuals and Documents
- MagnaPlus Generator Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manual
- Taylor TD125 Generator manual
- Taylor DGC2020 Digital Control Panel manual
Miscellaneous Publications