Next Generation Very Large Array Electronics Memos

Memo Submission

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Memo Number Title Author(s) Date
1 Downconversion and Digitization Methodology for the ngVLA M. Morgan 01/06/20
2 ngVLA Solar Power Trade Study K. Baker 06/29/20
3 Advanced Stirling Pulse Tube Cryocooler and Variable Speed Gifford McMahon Cryocooler Trade Study D. Urbain 08/28/20
4 Trident 2.0 Concept: A Minimum Delta Update to the Central Signal Processor Reference Design O. Y. Ojeda 01/17/20
5 Trident 2.1 Concept: Updates to the CSP Reference Design O. Y. Ojeda 09/11/20
6 A First Order Reliability Model for a VLA Antenna: Mining MainSaver and JIRA for VLA Reliability Data M. Luce, A. Erickson, K. Swift, J. Ogle 10/21/20
7 EVLA Subsystem MTBF Analysis K. Swift, M. Luce, J. Gregg, A. Erickson, J. Ogle 11/09/20
8 Headroom, Dynamic Range, and Quantization Considerations R. Selina, O. Y. Ojeda 01/20/21
9 Design Considerations for Band 1 Receiver of ngVLA B. Sadowski 03/30/21
10 A SCREAM-Compatible ngVLA Cross-Correlation Engine: Key Requirements Review and Option Trade-Off Study N. Denman 09/03/21
11 A SCREAM-Compatible ngVLA Pulsar Engine: Key Requirements Review and Option Trade-Off Study N. Denman 09/03/21
12 Thermoacoustic Stirling Cryocooler and Variable Speed Gifford McMahon Cryocooler Trade Study No. 2 D. Urbain 10/22/21
13 Reserved
14 The MSIP Qualification Electronics Design and Hardware R. Long 06/06/22
15 Timing Requirements & Considerations R. Selina, B. Shillue, O. Yeste Ojeda, M. Schiller 07/18/23
16 Trade Study: CSP Internal Data Interchange Format N. Denman 08/30/23
17 Investigation of High Temperature Superconductor (HTS) Directional Couplers for ngVLA Receiver Front-End Applications B. DuVerneay, A. Navarrini, W. Grammer 12/06/23
18 A Turnstile Orthomode Transducer (OMT) Design for the ngVLA Band 3 Receiver B. DuVerneay, W. Grammer 08/27/24
19 ngVLA CSP X-Engine Subarraying Concept N. Denman 02/27/25

Modified on Thursday, 27-Feb-2025 16:42:17 EST by Library Staff