The ALMA Memos hosted here are peer-reviewed for technical accuracy but do not represent ALMA Policy decisions.
Please see for official ALMA information.
Memo Number |
Title |
Author(s) |
Date |
Rev. Date |
1 |
The Concept of a Millimeter Array |
F. N. Owen |
09/82 |
2 |
Science With a Millimeter Array |
Various |
02/83 |
3 |
Fiber Optic Links In a Millimeter Wave Array |
S. Weinreb |
06/83 |
4 |
A Millimeter-Wave Array Development Plan |
S. Weinreb |
09/83 |
5 |
Estimate Antenna Costs - Millimeter Array |
W. Horne |
12/82 |
6 |
Cost Equation of Millimeter Wave Array |
S. Weinreb |
09/83 |
7 |
Performance Considerations for Correlating Acousto-Optic Spectrometers |
J. W. Archer |
09/83 |
8 |
VLA Phase Stability At 22 GHz On Baselines of 100m To 3 km (VLA Test Memo 143) |
R. A. Sramek |
10/83 |
9 |
Report of Subcommittee On Millimeter and Submillimeter- Wavelength Astronomy |
NSF Astronomer Advisory Committee |
04/83 |
10 |
Concept of a Compound Millimeter Array |
F. N. Owen |
12/83 |
11 |
Multi-Element Array Configurations |
A. Moffet |
03/84 |
12 |
Imaging of Weak Sources With Compact Arrays |
T. J. Cornwell |
03/84 |
13 |
The Relation Between Optical Seeing and Radio Phase Stability |
T. J. Cornwell |
03/84 |
14 |
Notes On Millimeter Array Meeting |
J. M. Moran |
03/84 |
15 |
SMT Technical Memorandum UA - 84-3 Appendices |
B. L. Ulich |
03/84 |
16 |
Report of the Millimeter Array Technical Advisory Committee of March 1984 |
- |
03/84 |
17 |
A Possible Optics Plan for the Multi-Element Antenna |
B. Martin |
06/84 |
18 |
Quality Indicators for the MM Array |
T. J. Cornwell |
07/84 |
19 |
VLA Atmospheric Opacity At 225 GHz mm Array |
S. A. Cota, R. A. Sramek |
08/84 |
20 |
Some Initial Parameters of the Proposed mm Array |
R. M. Hjellming |
10/84 |
21 |
Evaluation of Some Initial Possiblities for the Large Configurations of the Proposed mm Array |
R. M. Hjellming |
10/84 |
22 |
Cost Diameter Curves |
D. Downes |
08/84 |
23 |
Wide Bandwidth Correlator |
B. G. Clark |
09/84 |
24 |
Brightness Temperature Limits for Filled and Unfilled Apertures |
T. J. Cornwell |
09/84 |
25 |
Are We Thinking Boldly Enough? |
M. A. Gordon |
10/84 |
26 |
Response To MMa Memo No. 22 |
A. A. Stark |
10/84 |
27 |
Evaluation of 1 KM Millimeter Array Configurations With Attention To RMS Sidelobe Level and Antenna Number |
G. S. Hennessy, R. M. Hjellming |
12/84 |
28 |
Longer Baselines |
R. C. Walker |
11/84 |
29 |
Sensitivity Criteria for Aperture Synthesis Arrays |
R. M. Hjellming |
02/85 |
30 |
The 90 Meter Configuration of the Proposed NRAO mm Array |
R. M. Hjellming |
02/85 |
31 |
The Multi-Telescope Component of the Proposed mm Array |
R. M. Hjellming |
02/85 |
32 |
Mosaicing With the mm Array |
T. J. Cornwell |
0/85 |
33 |
Factors Affecting Sensitivity for the Millimeter Arrays |
R. M. Hjellming |
07/85 |
34 |
The Summer 1985 Concept of the Proposed NRAO Millimeter Array |
R. M. Hjellming |
10/85 |
35 |
Factors Affecting the Sensitivity of a Millimeter Array - Further Discussion |
P. R. Jewell |
10/85 |
36 |
An Interim mm Astronomy Instrument |
R. M. Hjellming |
11/85 |
37 |
Atmospheric Opacity At the VLA (Scientific Memorandum No. 157) |
J. M. Uson |
2/86 |
38 |
Crystalline Antenna Arrays |
T. J. Cornwell |
0/86 |
39 |
Comparison Study of Astronomical Site Quality of Mount Graham and Mauna Kea |
K. M. Merril, F. F. Forbes |
03/87 |
40 |
Measurement of Atmospheric Opacity Due To Water Vapor At 225 GHz |
M. McKinnon |
06/87 |
41 |
225 GHz Atmospheric Receiver - User's Manual ( Electronic Division Internal Report |
Z.-Y. Liu |
08/87 |
42 |
Analysis of the Ekers and Rots Method of Short-Spacing Estimation |
T. J. Cornwell |
0/87 |
43 |
A Comparison of a Mosaiced VLA Image and a Conventional Penticton Image |
T. J. Cornwell |
0/87 |
44 |
The Size of the Central Element: Pointing Considerations |
T. J. Cornwell |
01/88 |
45 |
First Results From the Site Testing Program of the Millimeter-Wave Array |
D. Hogg, F. Owen, M. McKinnon |
02/88 |
46 |
Mosaicing With High Dynamic Range |
R. Braun |
02/88 |
47 |
High Site Millimeter Array Configurations |
R. Hjellming |
02/88 |
48 |
List of Millimeter Array Memos |
P. Crane |
03/88 |
49 |
Measurement of Atmospheric Phase Stability With a 225 GHz Radiometer |
M. McKinnon |
05/88 |
50 |
Report of the Central Element Working Group |
T. Cornwell, R. Braun, D. Emerson, J. Uson |
02/88 |
51 |
Millimeter-Wave Seeing Inferred From Radiosonde Observation-Preliminary Results |
F. R. Schwab, D. E. Hogg |
08/88 |
52 |
Preliminary Optics Design for the Millimeter Array Antennas |
J. Lamb, J. Payne |
12/88 |
53 |
On the Feasibility of South Baldy As a Site for the MMA |
T. Calovini, F. Owen |
05/89 |
54 |
Simulations of Primary Beam Truncation and Pointing Errors With the MMA |
R. Braun |
07/89 |
55 |
Millimeter Array Correlator Cost Equation |
L. D'Addario |
7/89 |
56 |
Millimeter Array Correlator: Further Design Details |
L. D'Addario |
07/89 |
57 |
Related Observing Speed of Single Antennas and Packed Arrays |
R. M. Hjellming |
10/89 |
58 |
Millimeter Wave Atmospheric Opacity and Transparency Curves |
F. Schwab, D. Hogg |
10/89 |
59 |
Update of MMA Sensitivity Estimates |
R. M. Hjellming |
11/89 |
60 |
Further Study of the Magdalena Mountain Site and Two New Arizona Sites As Possible Locations for the Millimeter Array |
T. Calovini, F. Owen |
5/90 |
61 |
Imaging Characteristics of a Homogeneous Millimeter Array |
M. A. Holdaway |
06/90 |
62 |
An Independent Simulation of Imaging Characteristics of a Millimetre Array, With and Without a Single Large Element, and an LE Pointing Correction Algorithm |
D. T. Emerson |
11/90 |
63 |
Pointing Errors and the Possibility of Pointing Calibration |
M. A. Holdaway |
02/91 |
64 |
Minimum Spacing Constraints for MMA Antennas |
J. W. Lamb |
03/91 |
65 |
Some Considerations On the IF and Transmission System of the Millimeter Array |
A. R. Thompson |
04/91 |
66 |
MMA Correlator Some Design Considerations |
A. Dowd |
05/91 |
67 |
HFET's and Receivers for the Millimeter - Wave Array |
M. W. Pospieszalski |
08/91 |
68 |
A Millimeter Phase Stability Analysis of the South Baldy and Springerville Sites |
M. A. Holdaway |
11/91 |
69 |
SIS Mixer and Lo Options for the Millimeter Array |
A. R. Kerr |
12/91 |
70 |
Image Frequency Suppression On the MMA |
A. R. Kerr |
12/91 |
71 |
MMA Systems Engineering Questions and Comments |
A. R. Thompson |
12/91 |
72 |
Circular Polarization and Multi-Band Operation : Implications for MMA Receiver Design |
A. R. Kerr |
01/92 |
73 |
Mosaicing With Even Higher Dynamic Range |
M. A. Holdaway |
01/92 |
74 |
Surface Accuracy Requirements for Mosaicing At Millimeter Wavelengths |
M. A. Holdaway |
01/92 |
75 |
Lower Tropospheric Wind Speed Statistics From Rawinsonde Observations At Albuquerque, New Mexico, Winslow, Arizona and Hilo, Hawaii |
F. Schwab |
1/92 |
76 |
Radio-Frequency Interference and the MMA |
P. C. Crane |
01/92 |
77 |
Road Feasibility Study for MMA Sites In the Magdalena Mountains |
P. J. Napier |
1/92 |
78 |
Report On Visit To Hat Creek |
J. Lamb, J. Payne |
01/92 |
79 |
A Summary of the Data Obtained During the MMA Site Survey |
D. E. Hogg |
02/92 |
80 |
Further Simulations of (Possible) MMA Configurations |
J.-P. Ge |
03/92 |
81 |
Evaluating the MMA Compact Configuration Designs |
M. A. Holdaway |
03/92 |
82 |
List of MMA Memos |
B. Trujillo |
03/92 |
83 |
Thermal Considerations for MMA Antennas |
J. W. Lamb |
05/92 |
84 |
Possible Phase Calibration Schemes for the MMA |
M. A. Holdaway |
06/92 |
85 |
Some Remarks On MMA System Design |
B. G. Clark |
06/92 |
86 |
Possibilities for Wide - Angle Beam-Switching |
J. Lamb |
06/92 |
87 |
Progress On Tunerless SIS Mixer for the 200 - 300 GHz Band |
A. R. Kerr, S. K. Pan, A. W. Lichtenberger, D. M. Lea |
07/92 |
88 |
Paired Antenna Phase Calibration: Residual Phase Errors and Configuration Study |
M. A. Holdaway |
08/92 |
89 |
MMA Downconversion To Baseband and Sampling |
A. Dowd |
8/92 |
90 |
A Study of Materials for A Broadband Millimeter-Wave Quasi-Optical Vacuum Window |
A. R. Kerr, N. J. Bailey, D. E. Boyd, N. Horner |
08/92 |
91 |
More Remarks On MMA System Design |
J. Granlund |
09/92 |
92 |
Timber Ridge A Configuration Out On a Limb |
M. A. Holdaway |
11/92 |
93 |
Springerville / Eager Trip |
D. A. Webb |
11/92 |
94 |
Discussion of Slant Axis Antenna Concept |
J. Cheng |
11/92 |
95 |
Imaging With Known Pointing Errors |
M. A. Holdaway |
04/93 |
96 |
Proposed Surface Error Budget for MMA Antennas |
J. Lamb |
05/93 |
97 |
Slanted -Axis Antenna Design I |
J. Cheng |
06/93 |
98 |
Geometry of the Slant-Axis Antenna |
J. Lamb |
07/93 |
99 |
Search for Possible Millimeter Array Sites On the U.S. Mainland |
C. M. Wade |
08/99 |
100 |
Temperature Measurements On BIMA 6-m Antennas -- Part I: Backing Structure |
J. W. Lamb, J. R. Forster |
10/93 |
101 |
Slanted-Axis Antenna Design II |
J. Cheng |
10/93 |
102 |
A Possible Receiver Optics Layout for the MMA |
J. Lamb |
10/93 |
103 |
Some Fundamental and Practical Limits On Broadband Matching To Capacitive Devices, and the Implications for SIS Mixer Design |
A. R. Kerr |
9/93 |
104 |
Scientific Emphasis of the Millimeter Array |
R. L. Brown, et al. |
10/93 |
105 |
Rapid Position Switching In Radio Telescopes: Structural Damping using a Constrained Layer Treatment |
J. Cheng |
01/94 |
106 |
A Slant-Axis Antenna for the MMA: Computer Simulation Results of Fast Switching |
J. Cheng |
01/94 |
107 |
Sharing Time and/or Antennas Between Total Power and Interferometric Observations |
A. R. Thompson |
01/94 |
108 |
Single Dish Observing and Calibration Modes |
D. T. Emerson, P. R. Jewell |
12/93 |
109 |
MMA Systems Update |
A. R. Thompson |
3/94 |
110 |
Homologous Offset Antenna Concept for the Millimeter Array Project |
J. Cheng |
3/94 |
111 |
Preliminary MMA Configurations for Mauna Kea |
M. A. Holdaway |
03/94 |
112 |
MMA Visibility From Hilo and Topographic Shadowing |
M. A. Holdaway |
04/94 |
113 |
Weather Conditions At the Potential MMA Site On Mauna Kea |
P. J. Napier |
04/94 |
114 |
An Integrated SIS Mixer and HEMT IF Amplifier |
S. Padin |
04/94 |
115 |
Polarization Properties of an Open Cassegrain Antenna |
P. Napier |
05/94 |
116 |
The Effect of Beam Offsets On Polarization Measurements |
A. R. Thompson |
05/94 |
117 |
The Minimum Sep[a]ration Problem for an Offset Slant Axis Antenna |
J. Cheng |
05/94 |
118 |
Atmospheric Opacity Observations From the VLBA and CSO Sites On Mauna Kea |
F. Schwab |
06/94 |
119 |
The Optimum Elongation of the MMA A Configuration |
S. M. Foster |
07/94 |
120 |
Erratum for Memo |
J. Lamb |
7/94 |
121 |
Rectangular Panels for Offset MMa Antennas |
J. Cheng |
08/94 |
122 |
On-The-Fly-Mosaicing |
M. A. Holdaway, S. M. Foster |
10/94 |
123 |
Source Counts At 90 GHz |
M. A. Holdaway, F. N. Owen, M. P. Rupen |
10/94 |
124 |
Distances To MMA Calibrators Based On 90 GHz Source Counts |
S. M. Foster |
10/94 |
125 |
Damping and Vibration Control |
J. Cheng |
10/94 |
126 |
A Test of Fast Switching Phase Calibration With the VLA At 22GHz |
M. A. Holdaway, F. N. Owen |
4/95 |
127 |
Experimental Determination of the Dependence of Tropospheric Pathlength Variation On Airmass |
M. A. Holdaway, M. Ishiguro |
03/95 |
128 |
Sensitivity of the MMA In Wide Field Imaging |
M. A. Holdaway, M. P. Rupen |
06/95 |
129 |
Data Processing for Site Test Interferometers |
M. A. Holdaway, S. J. E. Radford, F. N. Owen, S. M. Foster |
06/95 |
130 |
Velocity of Winds Aloft From Site Test Interferometer Data |
M. A. Holdaway |
7/95 |
131 |
Gain and Phase Stabilities of Some Components Used In the BIMA Array |
B. Frye, et al. |
7/95 |
132 |
Visit To SMA and Bosma |
J. Cheng |
5/95 |
133 |
Visit To Thermoplastic Pultrusion, Inc. |
J. Cheng |
7/95 |
134 |
Some Comments On Sampling, Antenna Spacings, and Uniform Aperture Illumination |
W. J. Welch |
08/95 |
135 |
Electromagnetic Performance Comparison of an Offset and a Conventional MMA Antenna Design |
P. J. Napier |
9/95 |
136 |
Correcting for Decorrelation Due To Atmospheric Phase Errors |
M. A. Holdaway, F. N. Owen |
9/95 |
137 |
Removal of Atmospheric Emission From Total Power Continuum Observations |
M. A. Holdaway, F. N. Owen, D. T. Emerson |
9/95 |
138 |
Comparing MMA and VLA Capabilities In the 36-50 GHz Band |
M. A. Holdaway |
9/95 |
139 |
Fast Switching Phase Calibration: Effectiveness At Mauna Kea and Chajnantor |
M. A. Holdaway, S. J. E. Radford, F. N. Owen, S. M. Foster |
9/95 |
140 |
Outrigger Stations for the MMA |
R. M. Hjellming |
10/95 |
141 |
Thermal Behavior of BIMA Antenna Dish Structure |
J. Cheng |
09/95 |
142 |
MMA Systems Working Group Report |
A. R. Thompson, D. Bagri, B. G. Clark, J. E. Carlstrom, L. R. D'Addario, et al. |
09/95 |
143 |
Report of the Receiver Committee for the MMA |
J. Welch, et al. |
09/95 |
144 |
Report From the Phase Calibration Working Group |
D. Woody, et al. |
10/95 |
145 |
Antennas for the Millimeter Wave Array |
P. J. Napier, et al. |
10/95 |
146 |
An MMA Lag Correlator Design |
R. Escofier |
11/95 |
147 |
How Quickly Can the MMA Reconfigure? |
M. A. Holdaway, F. N. Owen |
02/96 |
148 |
Calibration of Submillimeter Observations With SiO Masers: Does the MMA Need Dual Band Capability? |
M. A. Holdaway |
2/96 |
149 |
Flux Calibration of the MMA |
M. A. Holdaway |
02/96 |
150 |
SIS Mixer Analysis With Non-Zero Intermediate Frequencies |
S.-K. Pan, A. R. Kerr |
03/96 |
151 |
Design of Planar Image Separating and Balanced SIS Mixers |
A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan |
03/96 |
152 |
Comparison of Rio Frio and Chajnantor Site Testing Data |
M. A. Holdaway, et al. |
04/96 |
153 |
Fitting a 12km Configuration On the Chajnantor Site |
M. A. Holdaway, S. M. Foster, K.-I. Morita |
04/96 |
154 |
Visit by Thiokol and Visit To EOS and SMT |
J. Cheng, J. Kingsley |
4/96 |
155 |
Evaluating the Minimum Baseline Constraints for the MMA D Array |
M. A. Holdaway, S. M. Foster |
07/96 |
156 |
What Fourier Plane Coverage Is Right for the MMA? |
M. A. Holdaway |
7/96 |
157 |
Exploring the Clustered Array Concept for the Atacama Array |
M. A. Holdaway, P. J. Napier, F. Owen |
08/96 |
158 |
Correlation Between Opacity and Surface Water Vapor Pressure Measurements At Rio Frio |
M. A. Holdaway, M. Ishiguro, N. Nakai, S. Matsushita |
8/96 |
159 |
Wind Velocities At the Chajnantor and Mauna Kea Sites and the Effect On MMA Pointing |
M. A. Holdaway, S. M. Foster, D. Emerson, J. Cheng, F. Schwab |
8/96 |
160 |
Digital Elevation Models for the Chajnantor Site |
M. A. Holdaway, M. A. Gordon, S. M. Foster, F. R. Schwab, H. Bustos |
08/96 |
161 |
Receiver Noise Temperature, the Quantum Noise Limit, and the Role of the Zero-Point Fluctuations |
A. R. Kerr, M. J. Feldman, S.-K. Pan |
9/96 |
162 |
Medical and Physiological Considerations for a High-Altitude MMA Site |
P. J. Napier, J. B. West |
10/96 |
163 |
A Strawman Optics Layout for The MMA Antenna |
P. Napier, et al. |
11/96 |
164 |
MMA Computing Working Group Report |
S. Scott, et al. |
11/96 |
165 |
System Design Considerations for the Atacama Array |
A. R. Thompson, D. Bagri, B. G. Clark, J. E. Carlstrom, L. R. D'Addario, D. Emerson, R. P. Escoffier, J. Romney, S. Padin, R. A. Sramek, D. Thornton, W. J. Welch |
2/97 |
166 |
The MMA Correlator |
R. Escoffier |
4/97 |
167 |
High Level Computing Information Flow for the MMA |
M. A. Holdaway |
4/97 |
168 |
Relative Sensitivities of Single and Double Sideband Receivers for the MMA |
A. R. Thompson, A. R. Kerr |
4/97 |
169 |
Atmospheric Coherence Times At Chajnantor |
M. A. Holdaway |
4/97 |
170 |
System Temperatures, Single Versus Double Sideband Operation, and Optimum Receiver Performance |
P. R. Jewell, J. G. Mangum |
04/97 |
171 |
Optimization of an array configuration minimizing side lobes |
L. R. Kogan |
5/97 |
172 |
Comments On Minimum Sidelobe Configurations |
M. A. Holdaway |
05/97 |
173 |
Application of Fast Switching Phase Calibration At mm Wavelengths On 33 km Baselines |
C. L. Carilli, M. A. Holdaway |
05/97 |
174 |
How Many Fast Switching Cycles Will the MMA Make In Its Lifetime? |
M. A. Holdaway |
06/97 |
175 |
Gain Degradation In a Symmetrical Cassegrain Antenna Due To Laterally Offset Feeds |
B. Shillue |
06/97 |
176 |
Preliminary Phase Stability Comparison of the Chajnantor and Pampa la Bola sites |
M. A. Holdaway, S. Matsushita, M. Saito |
7/97 |
177 |
Sensitivity Comparisons of the Various LSA/MMA Collaboration Options |
M. A. Holdaway |
08/97 |
178 |
Effects of Pointing Errors On Mosaic Images With 8m, 12m, and 15m Dishes |
M. A. Holdaway |
8/97 |
179 |
Compatibility Issues for Joint Operation of the LMSA and MMA |
M. Ishiguro, P. Napier |
07/97 |
180 |
Imaging With Heterogeneous Arrays |
M. C. H. Wright |
8/97 |
181 |
Notes On Possible Sensors for Improving the Pointing of MMA Antennas |
J. M. Payne |
8/97 |
182 |
A 12-m Antenna Design for a Joint US-European Array |
J. Cheng |
9/97 |
183 |
A Suggested Receiver Layout for the MMA Antenna |
J. Lugten, J. Welch |
9/97 |
184 |
Cryogenics Options for the MMA |
L. R. D'Addario |
9/97 |
185 |
Review of Gifford-McMahon Refrigerators for 4K |
L. R. D'Addario |
9/97 |
186 |
Calculation of Anomalous Refraction On Chajnantor |
M. A. Holdaway |
9/97 |
187 |
Modeling of the Submillimeter Opacity On Chajnantor |
M. A. Holdaway, J. R. Pardo |
10/97 |
188 |
Another Look At Anomalous Refraction On Chajnantor |
B. Butler |
10/97 |
189 |
Reference Pointing of LSA/MMA Antennas |
R. Lucas |
11/97 |
190 |
A System Design for the MMA |
A. R. Thompson |
11/97 |
191 |
Feasibility Study of the Use of the White Mountain Research Station (WMRS) Laboratory To Measure the Effects of 27% Oxygen Enrichment At 5000 m Altitude On Human Cognitive Function |
J. B. West, F. L. Powell, A. M. Luks |
11/97 |
192 |
The Astronomical Case for Short Integration Times On the Millimeter Array |
M. P. Rupen |
11/97 |
193 |
Report of the LSA/MMA Antenna Study Committee |
T. Andersen, et al. |
12/97 |
194 |
Astronomical Capabilities of the Current Design for the Millimeter Array Correlator |
M. P. Rupen, R. Escoffier |
1/98 |
195 |
Spillover Control On Secondary Mirror Support Struts |
J. W. Lamb |
1/98 |
196 |
Options for Placement of a Second Site Test Interferometer On Chajnantor |
M. A. Holdaway, S. J. E. Radford |
02/98 |
197 |
Feed Leg Blockage and Ground Radiation Pickup for Cassegrain Antennas |
J. Cheng, J. G. Mangum |
02/98 |
198 |
Design Concepts for Strawperson Antenna Configurations for the MMA |
T. T. Helfer, M. A. Holdaway |
02/98 |
199 |
Cost-Benefit Analysis for the Number of MMA Configurations |
M. A. Holdaway |
2/98 |
200 |
Photonic Local Oscillator for the Millimeter Array |
J. M. Payne, L. D'Addario, D. T. Emerson, A. R. Kerr, B. Shillue |
02/98 |
201 |
Hour Angle Ranges for Configuration Optimization |
M. A. Holdaway |
2/98 |
202 |
Optimization of an Array Configuration With a Topography Constraint |
L. Kogan |
3/98 |
203 |
Forced Air Cooling At High Altitude |
J. Cheng |
3/98 |
204 |
Digital Filtering In the MMA |
R. Escoffier, J. Webber |
3/98 |
205 |
A Tunerless SIS Mixer for 200 - 280 GHz With Low Output Capacitance and Inductance |
A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan, A. W. Lichtenberger, H. H. Huang |
3/98 |
206 |
An Integrated Sideband Separating SIS Mixer for 200-280 GHz |
A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan, H. G. LeDuc |
03/98 |
207 |
Wide Bandwidth, YIG-Based Sources and Modern Frequency Multipliers for the MMA Local Oscillator System |
R. F. Bradley |
04/98 |
208 |
Polarization Calibration of the MMA: Circular Versus Linear Feeds |
W. D. Cotton |
05/98 |
209 |
183 GHz Radiometric Phase Correction for the Millimeter Array |
O. P. Lay |
05/98 |
210 |
Radiometric Phase Correction |
C. L. Carilli, O. Lay, E. C. Sutton |
05/98 |
211 |
Accurate Amplitude and Flux Calibration of the MMA |
M. S. Yun, T. Bastian, M. Holdaway, J. Mangum, J. Welch |
5/98 |
212 |
Optimization of an Array Configuration With a Donut Constraint |
L. Kogan |
05/98 |
213 |
Frequency Band Considerations and Recommendations |
A. Wootten, L. Snyder, E. vanDishoeck, F. Owen |
05/98 |
214 |
Hybrid arrays: The Design of Reconfigurable Aperture-Synthesis Interferometers |
A. Webster |
06/98 |
215 |
A Strawman Optics Layout for the MMA Antenna-Version 2 |
J. Lugten, P. Napier, J. Bieging, J. Cheng, D. Emerson, et al. |
06/98 |
216 |
Self-Similar Spiral Geometries for the LSA/MMA |
J. Conway |
06/98 |
217 |
A, B, C, and D Configurations In the Shape of Concentric Circles |
L. Kogan |
6/98 |
218 |
Level of Negative Side Lobes In an Array Beam |
L. Kogan |
07/98 |
219 |
Report On Visit To Composite Optics Inc. |
J. B. Lugten |
07/98 |
220 |
Quantization Efficiency for Eight or More Sampling Levels |
A. R. Thompson |
7/98 |
221 |
Elevation Dependence In Fast Switching |
M. A. Holdaway |
07/98 |
222 |
Characteristics of Broadband INP HFET Millimeter-Wave Amplifiers and Their Applications In Radio Astronomy Receivers |
M. W. Pospieszalski. E. J. Wollack |
08/98 |
223 |
Yet Another Look At Anomalous Refraction |
M. A. Holdaway, D. Woody |
07/98 |
224 |
Radiometric Correction of Anomalous Refraction |
J. W. Lamb, D. Woody |
08/98 |
225 |
Radiometer Calibration At the Cassegrain Secondary Mirror |
D. Bock, J. Welch, M. Fleming, D. Thornton |
08/98 |
226 |
A, B, C, and D Configurations In the Shape of Concentric Circles With Fixed Pads At the Common Circumferences |
L. Kogan |
09/98 |
227 |
On the Noise Properties of Balanced Amplifiers |
A. R. Kerr |
09/98 |
228 |
Analysis of Tradeoffs In J-T Refrigerator Design |
L. R. D'Addario |
09/98 |
229 |
Some Comments On Instrumental Phase Calibration |
A. R. Thompson, D. S. Bagri |
09/98 |
230 |
Preliminary Report On Water Supply, Millimeter Array Project, National Radio Astronomy Observatory |
F. Townsend |
06/96 |
231 |
A First Study of MMA Antenna Offset Performance |
T. Andersen |
10/98 |
232 |
A Simple Method To Improve Pointing of the MMA Antennas |
J. B. Lugten |
10/98 |
233 |
The design of MMA configurations of intermediate extent |
A. Webster |
10/98 |
234 |
Thermal Behavior of the Leighton 10-m Antenna Backing Structure |
J. W. Lamb, D. P. Woody |
10/98 |
235 |
Drawing Numbers and Drawing Archive |
V. L. Gasho, J. S. Kingsley, L. D'Addario |
11/98 |
236 |
Suggestions for Revised Definitions of Noise Quantities, Including Quantum Effects |
A. R. Kerr |
11/98 |
237 |
Precipitable Water At the VLA -- 1990-1998 |
B. Butler |
11/98 |
238 |
Precipitable Water At KP -- 1993-1998 |
B. Butler |
11/98 |
239 |
Hybrid Composite Arrays: I. The Inner and Outer Hybrids |
A. Webster |
02/99 |
240 |
A 10-m Antenna Design for the Millimeter Array |
J. Lugten, J. Kingsley, J. Cheng, V. Gasho, M. Fleming |
02/99 |
241 |
A Design for a Precision 10-m Sub-Millimeter Antenna |
D. P. Woody, J. W. Lamb |
03/99 |
242 |
Suggestion On LSA/MMA Front-End Optical Layout |
V. Belitsky |
01/99 |
243 |
Report of the Antenna Size Committee Meeting |
B. Butler, et al. |
05/99 |
244 |
Unpublished |
245 |
Surface Impedance of Superconductors and Normal Conductors In EM Simulators |
A. R. Kerr |
01/99 |
09/99 |
246 |
Optimized Optical Layout for MMA 12-m Antennas |
J. W. Lamb |
01/99 |
247 |
The Imaging Characteristics of an Array With Minimum Side Lobes |
I. L. Kogan |
01/99 |
248 |
Computer Simulation of a FIR Filter for the MMA |
R. Escoffier, L. R. D'Addario, C. Broadwell, J. Webber, F. Schwab |
02/99 |
249 |
Mixer-Preamp Design Using MMICAD |
A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan |
02/99 |
250 |
Seismicity and Seismic Hazard At MMA Site, Antofagasta, Chile |
S. E. Barrientos |
06/96 |
251 |
MMA Site East of San Pedro De Atacama, North Chile Volcanic Hazards Assessment and Geologic Setting |
M. C. Gardeweg |
08/96 |
252 |
Phase Correction Using 183 GHz Radiometers During the Fall 1998 CSO-JCMT Interferometer Run |
M. S. Yun, M. C. Wiedner |
02/99 |
253 |
Feasibility Study for a 12 m Submillimeter Antenna |
T. Andersen |
02/99 |
254 |
The 15m (12.8m) Telescopes for the MMA/LSA Project |
D. Plathner, M. Bremer, J. Delannoy |
02/99 |
255 |
Fine Adjustment In the MMA Delay System |
A. R. Thompson |
03/99 |
256 |
Scattering of Solar Flux By Panel Grooves |
J. W. Lamb |
04/99 |
257 |
Effect of Refrigerator Temperature On SIS Receiver Performance |
S.-K. Pan |
03/99 |
258 |
Operating the Very Large Array, The Very Long Baseline Array, and the Millimeter Array: A Comparative Study |
R. W. Greschke |
03/99 |
259 |
A 12m Telescope for the MMA-LSA Project |
D. Plathner |
04/99 |
260 |
A Comparison of Zoom Arrays With Circular and Spiral Symmetry |
J. E. Conway |
04/99 |
261 |
Position of MMA Equipment On Chajnantor |
S. J. E. Radford |
04/99 |
262 |
Tropospheric Phase Calibration In Millimeter Interferometry |
C. L. Carilli, M. A. Holdaway |
04/99 |
263 |
A Hexapod 12 m Antenna Design Concept for the MMA |
J. S. Kingsley, R. N. Martin, V. L. Gasho |
05/99 |
264 |
Local Oscillator Power Requirements for ALMA SIS Mixers |
V. Belitsky |
05/99 |
265 |
Cost-Benefit Analysis of ALMA Configurations |
M. S. Yun, L. Kogan |
05/99 |
266 |
Joule-Thompson Cryocooler Stage for SIS Mixers: Strawman Designs |
L. D'Addario |
05/99 |
267 |
Photonic Techniques for Use On the Atacama Large Millimeter Array |
J. Payne, B. Shillue, A. Vaccari |
06/99 |
268 |
Measuring the Primary Mirror Surface Using a Laser Coordinate Measuring Machine |
J. B. Lugten |
06/99 |
269 |
Tests of Materials for Use In Multi-Layer Infrared Filters In Cryogenic Applications |
J. S. Clarke, L. R. D'Addario |
07/99 |
270 |
ALMA Configurations With Complete UV Coverage |
D. Woody |
08/99 |
271 |
The Determination of Precipitable Water Vapour At Llano de Chajnantor From Observations of the 183 GHz Water Line |
G. Delgado, A. Otarola, V. Belitsky, D. Urbain |
08/99 |
10/99 |
272 |
Image Fidelity: Implications for ALMA |
M. C. H. Wright |
08/99 |
273 |
FTS Measurements of Eccosorb MF112 At Room Temperature and 5 K From 300 GHz To 2.4 THz |
G. A. Ediss, A. R. Kerr, H. Moseley, K. P. Stewart |
09/99 |
274 |
Reconfiguring the ALMA Array |
S. Guilloteau |
09/99 |
275 |
Analysis of Reflective Gratings As Infrared Filters |
W. Grammer |
10/99 |
276 |
ALMA Sensitivity, Supra-THz Windows and 20 km baselines |
B. Butler, A. Wootten |
10/99 |
277 |
Sensitivity Loss Versus Duration of Reconfiguration and ALMA Array Design |
M. S. Yun |
10/99 |
278 |
Waveguide Flanges for ALMA Instrumentation |
A. R. Kerr, E. Wollack, N. Horner |
11/99 |
279 |
A submm SIS Receiver With an Integrated Superconducting LO |
V. P. Koshelets, S. V. Shitov |
11/99 |
280 |
Antenna Transport Times and Reconfiguration Schedule |
S. J. E. Radford |
12/99 |
281 |
Development of a Pulse Tube Refrigerator for Millimeter Array Sensor Cooling: Phase I |
R. Radebaugh, E. Marquardt, P. Bradley |
12/99 |
282 |
Dynamic Scheduling |
M. C. H. Wright |
12/99 |
283 |
Observing Efficiency of a Strawperson Zoom Array |
J. Conway |
01/00 |
284 |
Optics for the 600-720 GHz Mixer Test Receiver |
S. Srikanth, G. A. Ediss |
01/00 |
285 |
Choice of Real-Time Operating System for ALMA |
P. T. Wallace |
02/00 |
286 |
Choice of RTOS for ALMA - Another View |
J. M. Stewart |
02/00 |
287 |
Fringe Tracking, Sideband Separation, and Phase Switching In the ALMA Telescope |
L. R. D'Addario |
02/00 |
288 |
An Optical Pointing System for the ALMA Prototype Antennas |
J. G. Mangum |
02/00 |
289 |
Atmospheric Noise In Single Dish Observations |
M. Wright |
02/00 |
03/00 |
290 |
Automation of Imaging Simulations for Array Configurations Using Classic AIPS |
S. Heddle, A. Webster |
03/00 |
03/00 |
291 |
First Simulations of Imaging Performance of a Spiral Zoom Array, Comparisons With a Single Ring Array |
J. Conway |
03/00 |
292 |
A Possible Layout for a Spiral Zoom Array Incorporating Terrain Constraints |
J. Conway |
03/00 |
293 |
ALMA Software Requirements: Preliminary Report |
R. Lucas, et al. |
03/00 |
05/00 |
294 |
The ALMA Correlator Long Term Accumulator |
C. Broadwell, R. Escoffier |
03/00 |
295 |
Measurements of Quasi-Optical Windows With the HP 8510 |
G. A. Ediss, A. R. Kerr, D. Koller |
03/00 |
296 |
Fitting of the Largest Configuration (≥10 km) Into the Terrain At the Chajnantor Site |
L. Kogan |
03/00 |
297 |
Unpublished |
298 |
Timing and Synchronization |
L. D'Addario |
03/00 |
299 |
A Martin-Puplett Interferometer Side-Band Separation Module for 600 - 720 GHz |
A. Baryshev, W. Wild |
03/00 |
300 |
Reducing Atmospheric Noise In Single Dish Observations With ALMA |
R. Lucas |
04/00 |
301 |
SSB vs. DSB for Submillimeter Receivers |
J. W. Lamb |
04/00 |
302 |
Six Percent Oxygen Enrichment of Room Air At Simulated 5000 m Altitude Improves Neuropsychological Function |
A. B. Gerard, et al. |
04/00 |
303 |
Water Vapour Radiometers for ALMA |
R. Hills, J. Richer |
04/00 |
304 |
Relative Sensitivity of Double- and Single-Sideband Systems for Both Total Power and Interferometry |
A. R. Thompson, L. R. D'Addario |
04/00 |
305 |
A Digital BBC for the ALMA Interferometer |
G. Comoretto |
04/00 |
306 |
A Dual-Polarization Double Sideband Quasi-Optical System for High Frequency ALMA Receivers |
W. Grammer |
05/00 |
307 |
Precision Radiometry and the APHID 22 GHz Water Line Monitor |
A. I. Harris |
05/00 |
308 |
A Single-Chip Balanced SIS Mixer for the 200 - 300 GHz |
A. R. Kerr, et al. |
05/00 |
309 |
Dielectric Constant of Goretex RA7956/7957 Radome Material |
D. Koller, G. A. Ediss, A. R. Kerr |
05/00 |
310 |
Measurements of Allan Variance and Short Term Phase Noise of Millimeter Local Oscillators |
R. Ambrosini |
05/00 |
311 |
Noise Measurements of YIG-Tuned Oscillator Sources for the ALMA LO |
E. Bryerton, D. Thacker, K. Saini, R. Bradley |
08/00 |
312 |
Refined Position of ALMA Equipment On Chajnantor |
S. Radford |
06/00 |
313 |
Millimeter-Wave RF Power Measurements of a Commercial Photomixer |
B. Shillue |
06/00 |
314 |
Underground Temperature Fluctuations and Water Drainage At Chajnantor |
L. A. Snyder, S. J. E. Radford, M. A. Holdaway |
06/00 |
315 |
A Japanese Plan of Receiver Developments for LMSA/ALMA |
Y. Sekimoto, et al. |
06/00 |
316 |
Design of a Sideband-Separating Balanced SIS Mixer Based On Waveguide Hybrids |
S. M. X. Claude, C. T. Cunningham, A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan |
09/00 |
317 |
Comparison of the Pointing Error Effect On the Image Quality for Two Configurations and Two Source Types |
L. Kogan |
08/00 |
318 |
Amplitude Calibration At Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Wavelengths |
J. Mangum |
08/00 |
319 |
Photonic Local Oscillators for Radio Astronomy Signal-to-Noise Issues |
B. Shillue |
08/00 |
320 |
Strawperson Donut/Doubling-Ring Configurations |
M. S. Yun, L. Kogan |
08/00 |
321 |
Receiver Amplitude Calibration for ALMA |
R. Plambeck |
08/00 |
322 |
Comparison of Meteorological Data At the Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor Sites |
S. Sakamoto, et al. |
09/00 |
323 |
Numbering of Drawings, Specifications and Similiar Documents (This memo Is obsolete as of 3/2002) |
L. D'Addario |
09/00 |
324 |
Proposal for ALMA Front End Optics |
W. Grammer, B. Shillue, L. D'Addario, J. Payne |
09/00 |
325 |
A Broadband In-Phase Waveguide Power Divider/Combiner |
A. R. Kerr, N. Horner |
10/00 |
326 |
Vertical Profiles of Soil Resistivity At Pampa La Bola and Llano de Chajnantor Locations |
S. Sakamoto, H. Ezawa, T. Takahashi, N. Yamaguchi |
10/00 |
327 |
Reliability Calculation Guidelines |
C. Egedal |
10/00 |
328 |
Room Temperature Measurements of Various Absorbers With the HP8510 At 75-110 GHz" |
G. A. Ediss |
10/00 |
329 |
Scattering of Solar Flux by Panel Grooves: Update |
J. W. Lamb |
10/00 |
330 |
The Overlap of the Astronomical and WVR Beams |
A. G. Gibb, A. I. Harris |
10/00 |
331 |
On-The-Fly Fringe Tracking |
L. R. D'Addario, D. T. Emerson |
10/00 |
332 |
Phase Correction of Interferometer Data at Mauna Kea and Chajnantor |
G. Delgado, et al. |
11/00 |
333 |
52 Years of Climatological Data for the Chajnantor Area |
R. Bustos, G. Delgado, L.-Å. Nyman, S. Radford |
11/00 |
334 |
Atmospheric Transparency At 225 GHz Over Chajnantor, Mauna Kea, and the South Pole |
S. Radford, R. A. Chamberlin |
11/00 12/00 |
335 |
Phase Drift Measurements of YIG-Tuned Oscillator Sources for the ALMA LO |
D. L. Thacker, E. W. Bryerton, R. Bradley, K. Saini |
06/01 |
336 |
Unpublished |
337 |
Development of Frequency Multiplier Technology for ALMA |
K. S. Saini |
01/03 |
338 |
The Best Sites for the Compact ALMA Configuration |
B. Butler, S. Radford, A. Otarola |
12/00 |
339 |
Aspects of the Antennas for the ALMA Compact Array (ACA) |
J. W. M. Baars |
12/00 |
340 |
Measurements of Commercial Vacuum Windows for ALMA Bands 3 and 6 |
G. A. Ediss, S.-K. Pan, J. Effland, T. Globus |
12/00 |
341 |
Selection of HFET or SIS Mixer for ALMA Band 3 |
J. C. Webber |
01/00 |
342 |
An Improved FX Correlator |
J. Bunton |
12/00 |
343 |
Waveguide Quadrature Hybrids for ALMA Receivers |
S. Srikanth, A. R. Kerr |
01/01 |
344 |
Mixer-Preamp To Receiver Interface Considerations for ALMA Band 6 |
A. R. Kerr |
01/01 |
345 |
Phase Fluctuation At the ALMA Site and the Height of the Turbulent Layer |
Y. Robson, et al. |
01/01 |
346 |
Spatial Distribution of the Near-Surface Soil Resistivity In the Cerro Chason Science Preserve |
S. Sakamoto, T. Sekiguchi |
01/01 |
347 |
60 To 450 GHz Transmission and Reflection Measurements of Grooved and Un-Grooved HDPE Plates |
G. A. Ediss, T. Globus |
02/01 |
348 |
A Preliminary ALMA Zoom Array Design for the Chanjnantor Site |
J. Conway |
02/01 |
349 |
Fibre-Optic Link Design of the Atacama IF Data Transfer System |
R. McCool |
02/01 |
350 |
Feasibility Study of the Enhanced Correlator for 3-Way ALMA I |
S. K. Okumura, Y. Chikada, M. Momose, S. Iguchi |
02/01 |
351 |
275-370 GHz DSB and SSB Waveguide Mixers Employing a Tuned Nb/Al-AlOx/Nb SIS Tunnel Junction |
A. Navarrini, B. Lazareff |
02/01 |
352 |
Design and Development of 183 GHz Water Vapour Radiometers |
R. Hills, et al. |
03/01 |
353 |
Investigation of Suppression of Sidelobes by Simple Displacement of Clustered Groups of Regularly Spaced Antennas |
S. Heddle |
03/01 |
354 |
Choices of Antenna Size and Number for the Atacama Compact Array |
W. J. Welch |
03/01 |
355 |
Design of the ALMA's Compact Configuration With the Road Design First |
L. Kogan |
03/01 |
356 |
Reliability of Nanonics Dualobe Connectors |
J. Effland |
03/01 |
357 |
Sideband Calibration of Millimeter-Wave Receivers |
A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan, J. E. Effland |
03/01 |
358 |
Observing |
M. Wright |
03/01 |
359 |
Optics Study for ALMA Receivers |
J. Lamb |
03/01 |
360 |
Design of Sideband Separation SIS Mixer for 3 mm Band |
V. Vassilev, V. Belitsky |
04/01 |
361 |
Phase Cross-Correction of a 11.2 GHz Interferometer and 183 GHz Water Line Radiometers At Chajnantor |
G. Delgado |
04/01 |
362 |
ALMA Receiver Optics Design |
J. W. Lamb, et al. |
04/01 |
363 |
Velocity of the Effective Turbulence Layer At Chajnantor Estimated From 183 GHz Measurements |
G. Delgado, L.-Å. Nyman |
04/01 |
364 |
An Antenna Location Mask for Configuration Designs for ALMA |
B. J. Butler |
04/01 |
365 |
Atmospheric Phase Stability At Chajnantor and Pampa la Bola |
B. J. Butler, S. J. E. Radford, S. Sakamoto, K. Kohno |
06/01 |
366 |
A Telescope Pointing Algorithm for ALMA |
J. G. Mangum |
04/01 |
367 |
ALMA Operational Model - The SSR Committee View |
ALMA SSR Committee Members |
05/01 |
368 |
An Imaging Study for ACA |
M. S. Yun |
04/01 |
369 |
Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Upper Soil Resistivity In the Cerro Chascón Science Preserve |
S. Sakamoto |
05/01 |
370 |
A Comparison of Availability of Major Radio Interferometers |
G. H. Tan |
05/01 |
371 |
Receiver Calibration Schemes for ALMA |
S. Guilloteau, R. Moreno |
06/01 |
372 |
An Amplitude Calibration Strategy for ALMA |
S. Guilloteau |
05/02 |
373 |
Relative Pointing Sensitivity At 30 and 90 GHz for the ALMA Test Interferometer |
M. A. Holdaway, J. Mangum |
05/01 |
374 |
Wide Field Imagings With the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array |
K.-I. Morita |
05/01 |
375 |
Coordinates of Roads, Pipelines, and Landmarks Near the ALMA Site |
S. Sakamoto |
05/01 |
376 |
Integration of LO Drivers, Photonic Reference, and Central Reference Generator |
E. W. Bryerton, et al. |
05/01 |
377 |
Design and Fabrication of Quartz Vacuum Windows With Matching Layers for Millimeter-Wave Receivers |
D. Koller, A. R. Kerr, G. A. Ediss, D. Boyd |
06/01 |
378 |
A 200-300 GHz SIS Mixer-Preamplifier With 8 GHz IF Bandwidth |
E. F. Lauria, et al. |
06/01 |
379 |
Summer Climate Over Chajnantor |
R. Bustos |
07/01 |
380 |
The Correlator At the OSF? |
B. Anderson, R. McCool |
06/01 |
381 |
Elements for E-Plane Split-Block Waveguide Circuits |
A. R. Kerr |
07/01 |
382 |
M. Wright, G. Bower, D. Backer, A. Whitney |
07/01 |
383 |
A Simple Technique for Disciplining Independent Demultiplexers |
M. Torres, O. Gentaz |
07/01 |
384 |
Atmospheric Transparency At Chajnantor and Pampa la Bola |
S. J. E. Radford, B. J. Butler, S. Sakamoto, K. Kohno |
08/01 |
385 |
Orthogonal Functions for Phase Switching and a Correction To ALMA Memo 287 |
L. R. D'Addario |
08/01 |
386 |
ALMA+ACA Simulation Tool |
J. Pety, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau |
08/13/01 |
387 |
ALMA+ACA Simulation Results |
J. Pety, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau |
08/13/01 |
388 |
Degradation of Sensitivity Resulting From Bandpass Slope |
A. R. Thompson |
08/01 |
389 |
Radio Interferometer Array Point Spread Functions I. Theory and Statistics |
D. Woody |
08/01 |
390 |
Radio Interferometer Array Point Spread Functions II. Evaluation and Optimization |
D. Woody |
08/01 |
391 |
A Square Wave Phase-Switching Scheme for a Large Number of Antennas |
A. R. Thompson, L. R. D'Addario |
08/01 |
392 |
Low Cost Cross Multiply Accumulate Unit for FX Correlators |
J. D. Bunton |
09/01 |
393 |
DSB versus SSB and Bandwith/Sensitivity Tradeoff |
S. Guilloteau |
05/02 |
394 |
ALMA Band 9 Optical Layout |
A. Baryshev, W. Wild |
09/01 |
395 |
Alignment Tolerances for ALMA Optics |
B. Lazareff, S. Sakamoto |
10/01 |
396 |
A Photonic MM-Wave Reference and Local Oscillator Source |
P. G. Huggard, et al. |
11/01 |
397 |
Proposed Quartz Vacuum Window Designs for ALMA Bands 3 - 10 |
D. Koller, A. R. Kerr, G. A. Ediss |
11/01 |
398 |
Impact of ACA On the Wide-Field Imaging Capabilities of ALMA |
J. Pety, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau |
11/01 |
399 |
Millimeter Wave Generation Using a Uni-Traveling-Carrier Photodiode |
T. Noguchi, et al. |
11/01 |
400 |
A Proposal of Optimized Configurations for the ALMA |
F. Boone |
01/02 |
401 |
Saturation By Noise and CW Signals In SIS Mixers |
A. R. Kerr |
12/01 |
04/02 |
402 |
Illumination Taper Misalignment and Its Calibration |
M. A. Holdaway |
12/01 |
403 |
Fast Switching Phase Correction Revisited for 64 12 m Antennas |
M. A. Holdaway |
12/01 |
404 |
Atmospheric Dispersion and Fast Switching Phase Calibration |
M. A. Holdaway, J. R. Pardo |
12/01 |
405 |
Unaddressed Issues for ALMA Configurations |
M. A. Holdaway |
01/02 |
406 |
Unpublished |
407 |
Bandslope Effects On Sensitivity In Interferometers With Digital Correlators |
J. W. Lamb |
01/02 |
408 |
Geotechnical Study Chajnantor Site, II Region, Chile Nobeyama Radio Observatory |
L. Rojas |
03/00 |
409 |
Test Report of the Baseline ALMA Correlator Digital Filter |
R. Escoffier, J. Pisano |
02/02 |
410 |
Designing and Prototyping of 2-4 GHz Bandpass SiGe Digitizers and Associated Test Equipment for the ALMA Project. I |
A. Baudry, et al. |
02/02 |
411 |
Unpublished |
412 |
68.5 To 118 GHz Measurements of Possible Infrared Filter Materials: Black Polyethylene, Zitex, and Grooved and Un-Grooved Fluorogold and HDPE |
G. A. Ediss, D. Koller |
03/02 |
413 |
Physical Parameters of The Chajnantor Science Preserve |
A. Otarola, D. Hofstadt, S. J. E. Radford, S. Sakamoto |
03/02 |
414 |
An SPI Bus Implementation of a Bootloader for the PIC16F87x |
D. Brown |
03/02 |
415 |
Phase Correction Using Submillimeter Atmospheric Continuum Emission |
S. Matsushita, H. Matsuo, M. C. Wiedner, J. R. Pardo |
04/02 |
416 |
The Relative Sensitivity of Full-Wave and Half-Wave Detectors In Radio Astronomy |
A. R. Thompson, D. T. Emerson |
04/02 |
417 |
Unpublished |
418 |
Geotechnical Study, Chajnantor Site, 2002 Campaign, II Region, Chile |
Geo Ambiental Consultores Ltda. |
03/02 |
419 |
The Y+ Long-Baseline Configuration To Achieve High Resolution With ALMA |
A. Otárola, M. A. Holdaway |
04/02 |
420 |
Digital Transmission System Signaling Protocol |
R. W. Freund |
09/02 |
421 |
GaAs-Based Cryogenic Amplifier for ALMA 2SB Mixer |
C. Risacher, V. Belitsky |
04/02 |
422 |
The Dual-Load Calibration Device Revisited |
S. Guilloteau |
05/02 |
423 |
The Vane Calibration System Revisited |
S. Guilloteau |
05/02 |
424 |
Development of 4-Gsps 2-Bit ADC With GaAs ICs for Radio Astronomy |
M. Okiura, et al. |
05/02 |
425 |
The Bøifot Orthomode Junction |
E. J. Wollack, W. Grammer, J. Kingsley |
05/02 |
426 |
4-Gsample/s, 2-Bit SiGe Digitizers for the ALMA Project. Paper II |
D. Deschans, et al. |
05/02 |
427 |
Antenna Position Calibration |
M. Wright |
05/02 |
428 |
Compact Configuration Evaluation |
M. Wright |
06/02 |
429 |
Fixed-Tuned Waveguide 0.6 THz SIS Mixer With Wide Band IF |
A. Baryshev, E. Lauria, R. Hesper, T. Zijlstra, W. Wild |
07/02 |
430 |
Compact Configuration Evaluation - Mosaicing |
M. Wright |
07/02 |
431 |
First Astronomical Fringe of a Test Correlator for the ALMA: Simultaneous Achievement of Wideband and High Resolution |
S. K. Okumura, S. Iguchi, Y. Chikada, M. Momose, M. Okiura |
08/02 |
432 |
A Split-Block Waveguide Directional Coupler |
A. R. Kerr, N. Horner |
08/02 |
433 |
2002: The Driest and Coldest Summer |
R. Bustos |
09/02 |
434 |
Load Calibration At Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths |
J. Mangum |
09/02 10/02 |
435 |
A Hybrid Option for the First LOs Using Direct Photonic LO Driver |
M. Ishiguro, et al. |
09/02 |
436 |
Band 6 Receiver Noise Measurements Using a Pre-Prototype YIG-Tunable LO |
E. W. Bryerton, S. K. Pan, D. Thacker, K. Saini |
09/02 |
437 |
Miniature, Modular Heat Sinks for ALMA Cryostats |
D. Koller, J. Effland, A. R. Kerr, K. Crady, F. Johnson |
12/02 |
438 |
Measurements of Materials for SIS Mixer Magnetic Circuits |
G. A. Ediss, K. Crady |
11/02 |
11/02 |
439 |
Millimetre Wave Generation Using an Optical Comb Generator With Optical Phase-Locked Loops |
P. Shen, P. A. Davies, W. P. Shillue, L. R. D'Addario, J. M. Payne |
10/02 |
440 |
Photonic Techniques for Local Oscillator Generation and Distribution In Millimeter-Wave Radio Astronomy |
J. M. Payne, W. P. Shillue |
10/02 |
441 |
Enhancing the Performance of the Baseline ALMA Correlator |
R. Escoffier, J. Webber |
11/02 |
442 |
The Intensity Calibration Framework for HIFI |
V. Ossenkopf |
12/02 |
01/03 |
443 |
ALMA LO Distribution Round Trip Phase Correction |
B. Shillue |
11/02 |
444 |
Recommendations for Flat and Anti-Cocking Waveguide Flanges |
A. R. Kerr, L. Kozul, A. A. Marshall |
01/03 |
445 |
ALMA Line Length Correction System: Report On Tests In Japan |
L. D'Addario, et al. |
02/03 |
446 |
Levels of Radiation Exposure Near AOS and OSF |
S. Sakamoto, et al. |
02/03 |
447 |
Multi-Resolution FX Correlator |
J. Bunton |
02/03 |
448 |
UV Intensity Near AOS and OSF |
S. Sakamoto |
03/03 |
449 |
Noise Evaluation of Hybrid Photonic Local Oscillator At 500 GHz |
Y. Sekimoto, et al. |
03/03 |
450 |
Heterogeneous Imaging With the ALMA Compact Array |
M. Wright |
03/03 |
451 |
Some Error Sources for the PWV and Path Delay Estimated From 183 GHZ Radiometric Measurements At Chajnantor |
G. Delgado, F. T. Rantakyrö, J. P. Pérez Beaupuits, L.-Å;. Nyman |
04/03 |
452 |
Passband Shape Deviation Limits |
L. D'Addario (NRAO) |
04/03 |
453 |
An Integrated Sideband-Separating SIS Mixer Based On Waveguide Split Block for 100GHz Band |
S. Asayama, et al. |
04/03 |
454 |
Total Power Observing With the ALMA Antennas |
J. Welch |
04/03 |
455 |
Cartridge Test Cryostats for ALMA Front End |
Y. Sekimoto, et al. |
04/03 |
456 |
Characteristics of a Reflector Antenna: Parameters, Graphs and Formulae for Cassegrain Systems With Mathematica Expressions for Numerical Computation |
J. Baars |
04/03 |
457 |
Standing Waves for ALMA: Simulations of Various Tangent Cones On the Subreflector |
A. Bacmann, S. Guilloteau |
05/03 |
458 |
Preliminary Tests of Cartridge-Type Receiver System At Atacama Site |
M. Sugimoto, et al. |
05/03 |
459 |
Investigation of Anomalous Fast Phase Fluctuations In the Site-Test Interferometer Data From Chajnantor |
S. Hales, et al. |
05/03 |
460 |
Measurement of Gain Compressions In SIS Mixer Receivers |
A. R. Kerr, et al. |
05/03 |
05/03 |
461 |
The Amplitude Calibration System Revisited |
S. Guilloteau, A. Bacmann |
09/03 |
462 |
Effects of Radiation On the ALMA Correlator |
J. Greenberg |
07/03 |
463 |
Variation On the ALMA Link Design. No Switch, M 18km Link Lengths and the Use of an APD |
R. McCool |
07/03 |
464 |
Complementarity of the AIPS++, GILDAS and MIRIAD Packages As Seen From Evaluations for ALMA Off-Line Data Processing |
J. Pety, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau, P. Teuben, M. Wright |
08/03 |
465 |
Case for Interoperability As an ALMA Off-Line Model |
J. Pety, F. Gueth, S. Guilloteau, P. Teuben, M. Wright |
08/03 |
466 |
Gain Stability: Requirements and Design Considerations |
L. D'Addario |
05/03 |
467 |
Measurements and Simulations of Overmoded Waveguide Components At 70-118 GHz, 220-330 GHz and 610-720 GHz |
G. A. Ediss |
05/03 |
468 |
Designs of Wideband 3dB Branch-Line Couplers for ALMA Bands 3 To 10 |
H. Andoh, et al. |
07/03 |
469 |
A Broadband Waveguide Thermal Isolator |
J. L. Hesler, A. R. Kerr, N. Horner |
05/03 |
470 |
RFI Survey At the ALMA Site At Chajnantor |
C. M. Beaudet, G. Watts, J. Acree, S. J. E. Radford |
07/03 |
471 |
Site Properties and Stringency |
N. Evans, et al. |
07/03 |
472 |
AIPS++ Reuse Analysis Test: Report On Phase I |
A. Kemball, et al. |
09/03 |
473 |
AIPS++ Reuse Analysis Test: Report On Phase II |
J. Pety, et al. |
03/03 |
474 |
IRAM/AIPS++ Test: Phase III |
R. Lucas, et al. |
10/03 |
475 |
Observing Stars & Extrasolar Planetary Systems With ALMA |
B. Butler, A. Wootten, B. Brown |
09/03 |
476 |
Enhancing the Baseline ALMA Correlator Performances With the Second Generation Correlator Digital Filter System |
B. Quertier, G. Comoretto, A. Baudry, A. Gunst, A. Bos |
09/03 |
477 |
Working At High Altitude: Medical Problems, Misconceptions, and Solutions |
J. B. West, A. Readhead |
10/03 |
478 |
Distance To Possible Calibration Sources As a Function of Frequency for ALMA |
B. J. Butler |
10/03 |
479 |
Requirements for Subreflector and Feed Positioning for ALMA Antennas |
B. J. Butler |
12/03 |
480 |
Thermal Properties of Subsurface Layer At Pampa La Bola |
S. Sakamoto, H. Ishizaki |
02/04 |
481 |
Preliminary Tests of Waveguide Type Sideband-Separating SIS Mixer for Astronomical Observation |
S. Asayama, et al. |
11/03 |
482 |
An Analysis On the Effect of Dual Wavelength Polarization Alignment On the Accuracy of Recovered Beat Note Phase |
R. Scott |
01/04 |
02/04 |
483 |
The ALMA 1st Local Oscillator Reference |
B. Shillue, S. AlBanna, L. D'Addario |
09/04 |
484 |
A New Configuration for the ALMA Laser Synthesizer |
B. Shillue, L. D'Addario |
06/04 |
485 |
Chajnantor Windroses |
S. J. E. Radford |
01/04 |
486 |
Characteristics of Lightning Discharges Over AOS |
T. Watanabe, et al. |
02/04 |
487 |
Lightning Near Cerro Chascon |
S. Sakamoto, S. J. E. Radford |
04/04 |
488 |
Wide-Field Imaging of ALMA With the Atacama Compact Array: Imaging Simulations (488.1) |
T. Tsutsumi, K.-I. Morita, T. Hasegawa, J. Pety |
03/04 |
05/04 |
489 |
Problems With the Homogeneous Array Simulations In ALMA Memo 488 |
M. A. Holdaway |
03/04 |
490 |
Effects of Atmospheric Emission Fluctuations and Gain Fluctuations On Continuum Total Power Observations With ALMA |
M. A. Holdaway |
03/04 |
491 |
Does the ACA Need Phase Compensation? |
M. A. Holdaway |
04/04 |
492 |
ALMA Calibration - Example of Scientific Impact |
C. Carilli |
05/04 |
493 |
Finding Fast Switching Calibrators for ALMA |
M. A. Holdaway, C. Carilli, R. Laing |
04/04 |
494 |
MF-112 AND MF-116: Compact Waveguide Loads And FTS Measurements At Room Temperature And 5 K |
A. R. Kerr, et al. |
05/04 |
495 |
Estimated Performance of the Water Vapour Radiometers |
R. Hills |
06/04 |
496 |
183 GHz Water Vapour Radiometers for ALMA: Estimation of Phase Errors Under Varying Atmospheric Conditions |
A. Stirling, R. Hills, J. Richer, J. Pardo |
05/04 |
07/04 |
497 |
Analysis of Wind Data Gathered At Chajnantor |
J. P. Pérez Beaupuits, et al. |
05/04 |
498 |
The ALMA Band 6 (211-275 GHz) Sideband-Separating SIS Mixer-Preamplifier |
A. R. Kerr, et al. |
05/04 |
499 |
An Approach Detecting the Event Horizon of SgrA* |
M. Miyoshi, et al. |
05/04 |
500 |
Wind Power Spectrum Near Chajnantor |
S. Sakamoto, H. Ishizaki, K. Kohno |
05/04 |
501 |
Estimation of ALMA Data Rate |
R. Lucas, et al. |
06/04 |
502 |
ALMA Band 6 Prototype Cartridge: Design and Performance |
G. A. Ediss, et al. |
06/04 |
503 |
Antenna Position Determination: Observational Methods and Atmospheric Limits |
J. Conway |
09/04 |
504 |
The CloudSat Radar and Implications for ALMA |
ALMA North American Technical Advisory Committee (ANATAC) submitted by D. Emerson |
08/04 |
505 |
Bandpass Calibration for ALMA |
A. Bacmann, S. Guilloteau |
09/04 |
506 |
PMD Effects On the Analogue Signal Transmission |
P. Shen, N. J. Gomes, P. A. Davies, W. P. Shillue, P. G. Huggard |
10/04 |
507 |
ALMA First LO Reference : Elimination of Large Phase Fluctuations Due To Lightwave Polarization Effects |
B. Shillue, S. AlBanna |
12/04 |
508 |
Low Phase Noise Laser Synthesizer With Simple Configuration Adopting Phase Modulator and Fiber Bragg Gratings |
T. Yamamoto, S. Kawanishi, A. Ueda, M. Ishiguro |
12/04 |
509 |
G/T At 243 GHz for the ALMA Telescope |
G. A. Ediss |
11/04 |
510 |
The ALMA Digitizer (DG) Demultiplexer: Design, Performances In DG Assembly and Production Acceptance Tests |
A. Baudry |
12/04 |
511 |
Cycle-Slip-Free Fiber Length Stabilization System Using a Digital Phase and Frequency Discriminator |
Y. Sato, et al. |
12/04 |
512 |
Atmospheric Transparency At Chajnantor: 1973-2003 |
A. Otarola, M. Holdaway, L.-Å. Nyman, S. J. E. Radford, B. J. Butler |
02/05 |
513 |
Design and Simulation of a Waveguide Load for ALMA-Band 9 |
F. P. Mena, A. M. Baryshev |
01/05 |
514 |
Saturation Correction With Atmospheric Fluctuations |
A. Bacmann, S. Guilloteau |
01/05 |
515 |
Calculation of Integration Times for WVR |
A. Stirling, M. Holdaway, R. Hills, J. Richer |
03/05 |
516 |
Evaluation of a Commercially Available High Efficiency Photomixer |
A. Ueda, et al. |
02/05 |
517 |
Turbulence Simulations of Dry and Wet Phase Fluctuations At Chajnantor. Part I: The Daytime Convective Boundary Layer |
A. Stirling, J. Richer, R. Hills, A. Lock |
04/05 |
05/07/08 |
518 |
Unpublished |
519 |
An Alternative Scheme of Round-Trip Phase Correction |
H. Kiuchi, M. Ishiguro |
02/05 |
520 |
A Refined Method for Estimating Calibrator Counts Above 90 GHz |
M. A. Holdaway, F. Owen |
05/05 |
521 |
Joint Distribution of Atmospheric Transparency and Phase Fluctuations At Chatnantor |
Larry D'Addario, M. Holdaway |
11/03 |
522 |
ALMA Memo Number 522 has been reserved for LAMA Memos. |
523 |
Simulation of Atmospheric Phase Correction Combined With Instrumental Phase Calibration Using Fast Switching |
M. A. Holdaway, L. D’Addario |
01/04 |
524 |
Effects of Global Warming on Precipitable Water Vapor Above Sub-millimeter Wavelength Astronomical Sites |
M. A. Holdaway |
01/04 |
525 |
ALMA Memo Number 525 has been reserved for LAMA Memos. |
526 |
ALMA Memo Number 526 has been reserved for LAMA Memos. |
527 |
ALMA Memo Number 527 has been reserved for LAMA Memos. |
528 |
ALMA Memo Number 528 has been reserved for LAMA Memos. |
529 |
Velocity and Structure Function of Phase Screen Aloft Chajnantor |
H. Ishizaki, S. Sakamoto |
06/05 |
530 |
Coherence Estimation for Measured Phase Noise In Allan Standard Deviation |
H. Kiuchi |
10/05 |
531 |
Unpublished |
532 |
The ALMA 3-Bit 4 Gsample/s, 2-4 GHz Input Bandwidth, Flash Analog-to-Digital Converter |
A. Baudry |
10/05 |
533 |
Improving Accuracy of Superconducting Microstrip Line Modelling At Millimetre and Sub-Millimetre Waves |
V. Belitsky, C. Risacher, M. Pantaleev, V. Vassilev |
05/16/2008 |
534 |
ALMA Memo Number 534 has been reserved. |
535 |
Simulation Series of a Phase Calibration Scheme With Water Vapor Radiometers for the Atacama Compact Array |
Y. Asaki, et al. |
09/05 |
536 |
WR-10 Waveguide Vacuum Feedthrough for the ALMA Band-6 Cartridge |
G. A. Ediss, N. Horner, F. Johnson, D. Koller, A. R. Kerr |
09/05 |
537 |
Walsh Function Demodulation In the Presence of Timing Errors, Leading To Signal Loss and Crosstalk |
D. T. Emerson |
09/05 |
538 |
Array Configuration Design of the Atacama Compact Array |
K. Morita, M. Holdaway |
10/05 |
539 |
Unpublished |
540 |
High Carrier Suppression Double Sideband Modulation With Integrated LiNbO3 Optical Modulators for Photonic Local Oscillators |
T. Kawanishi, et al. |
09/05 |
541 |
Horizontal Temperature Variations At Chajnantor |
A. Stirling, A. Otarola, R. Rivera, J. Bravo |
03/06 |
542 |
Height and Velocity of the Turbulence Layer At Chajnantor Estimated From Radiometric Measurements |
J. P. Pérez Beaupuits, R. C. Rivera, L.-Å. Nyman |
11/05 |
543 |
Estimating Calibrator Counts At 250 GHz Using MAMBO Observations of Flat Spectrum Quasars |
M. A. Holdaway, C. Carilli, A. Weiss, F. Bertoldi |
11/05 |
544 |
Quasi-Optical Verification of the Band 9 ALMA Front-End |
M. Candotti, et al. |
11/05 |
545 |
Design of the Cone At the Centre of the Subreflector |
R. Hills |
01/06 |
546 |
Unpublished |
547 |
Estimate of the ALMA Cryostat Hold Time |
G. A. Ediss |
02/06 |
548 |
Performace Budget Estimation On the ACA System |
H. Kiuchi, S. Iguchi |
04/06 |
549 |
Reference Values of Areterial Oxygen Saturation and Heart Rate At the ALMA Site |
S. Sakamoto |
05/06 |
550 |
Mode Conversion and Resonant Absorption In Bent Overmoded Waveguide |
A.-L. Fontana, B. Lazareff |
06/06 |
551 |
Cross-Polarization Characteristics of GORE-TEX Slabs At Band 9 Frequencies |
A. M. Baryshev, M. Candotti, N. A. Trappe |
06/06 |
552 |
Unpublished |
553 |
First Astronomical Observations With an ALMA Band 6 (211-275 GHz) Sideband-Separating SIS Mixer-Preamp |
E. F. Lauria, et al. |
08/06 |
554 |
Effect of Vacuum Pressure On the Thermal Loading of the ALMA Cryosta |
G. A. Ediss |
06/06 |
555 |
Unpublished |
556 |
Observational Modes Supported By the ALMA Correlator |
R. Escoffier, et al. |
08/26 |
557 |
Thermal Deformation of Shaped Carbon Fiber-Aluminium Core Sandwiched Structures(I) |
J. Cheng |
09/06 |
558 |
Thermal Deformation of Shaped Carbon Fiber-Aluminium Core Sandwiched Structures(II) |
J. Cheng |
09/06 |
559 |
Thermal Deformation of Shaped Carbon Fiber-Aluminium Core Sandwiched Structures(III) |
J. Cheng |
09/06 |
560 |
Methods for the Characterization and Measurement of the Gain Fluctuations of Cryogenic Amplifiers |
J. D. Gallego, I. Lopez, C. Diez, A. Barcia |
11/28 |
561 |
Delay Errors In Single- and Double-Sideband Interferometer Systems |
A. R. Thompson, L. R. D'Addario, D. T. Emerson, P. J. Napier |
09/20 |
562 |
Unpublished |
563 |
Suggestions for SMA Connector Use On ALMA |
A. R. Kerr |
11/13 |
564 |
Unpublished |
565 |
Walsh Function Definition for ALMA |
D. Emerson |
07/06/06 |
02/02/07 |
566 |
Reflectivity, Scattering and Emissivity Measurements On Samples of Prospective ALMA Reflector Panel |
J. W. M. Baars, B. Buzzoni, H.-P. Gemünd, A. Polsak |
01/05/07 |
567 |
Unpublished |
568 |
Optimization of the IF Filters for the ALMA Water Vapour Radiometers |
R. Hills |
07/06/07 |
569 |
Unpublished |
570 |
Unpublished |
572 |
Unpublished |
573 |
Limits On Phase Correction Performance Due To Differences Between Astronomical and Water-Vapour Radiometer Beams |
B. Nikolic, R. E. Hills, J. S. Richer |
11/16/07 |
574 |
Design of the Central Cone for the Subreflector of the ACA 7-m Antenna |
M. Sugimoto, J. Inatani, B. Vila-Vilaro, M. Saito, S. Iguchi |
11/03/2007 |
575 |
Flux Concentration During Solar Observation for Alma Antennas |
F. Schwab, J. Cheng |
01/06/2008 |
576 |
RF Burnout Power of SIS Mixers |
A. R. Kerr |
02/27/2008 |
577 |
Unpublished |
578 |
Unpublished |
579 |
The New 3-Stage, Low Dissipation Digital Filter of the ALMA Correlator |
P. Camino, B. Quertier, A. Baudry, G. Comoretto, D. Dallet |
08/20/08 |
580 |
Frequency Profile Difference Between ACA Correlator and 64-Antenna Correlator |
T. Kamazaki, S. K. Okumura, Y. Chikada |
09/18/2008 |
581 |
Selection of Walsh Functions for ACA |
T. Kamazaki, S. K. Okumura, Y. Chikada |
09/15/2008 |
582 |
Simulating Atmospheric Phase Errors, Phase Correction and the Impact On ALMA Science |
B. Nikolic, J. S. Richer, R. E. Hills |
10/10/2008 |
583 |
Algorithms and Formulas for Hybrid Correlator Data Correction |
G. Comoretto |
11/05/2008 |
584 |
ALMA Correlator VLBI, Phased Sum, and Pulsar Support |
R. Escoffier, J. Webber, R. Lacasse, A. Saez, J. Greenberg |
11/19/2008 |
585 |
Loss of Gold Plated Waveguides At 210-280 GHz |
A. R. Kerr, C. Litton, G. Petencin, D. Koller, M. Shannon |
01/12/2009 |
586 |
Walsh Function Choices for 64 Antennas |
Darrel Emerson |
03/12/2008 |
587 |
Inference of Coefficients for Use In Phase Correction I |
B. Nikolic |
03/05/2009 |
588 |
Inference of Coefficients for Use In Phase Correction II: Using the Observed Correlation Between Phase and Sky Brightness Fluctuations |
B. Nikolic |
07/24/2009 |
589 |
Unpublished |
590 |
Atmospheric Dispersion and the Implications for Phase Calibration |
E. I. Curtis, B. Nikolic, J. S. Richer, J. R. Pardo |
12/10/2009 |
591 |
Calibration Errors and Artifacts From Imperfect van Vleck Correction |
D. Emerson |
04/28/2011 |
592 |
The Power Spectrum of Atmospheric Path Fluctuations At the ALMA Site From Water Vapour Radiometer Observations |
R. Bolton, B. Nikolic, J. Richer |
09/14/2011 |
593 |
Design and Implementation of the wvrgcal Program |
B. Nikolic, S. F. Graves, R. C. Bolton, J. S. Richer |
07/26/2012 |
594 |
Flux Density Models for Solar System Bodies In CASA |
B. Butler |
12/05/2012 |
595 |
Unpublished |
596 |
Unpublished |
597 |
Unpublished |
598 |
Relative Integration Times for the ALMA Cycle 1 12-m, 7-m, and Total Power Arrays |
B. Mason, C. Brogan |
07/08/13 |
07/25/13 |
599 |
The ALMA Calibrator Database I: Measurements Taken During the Commissioning Phase of ALMA |
T. A. van Kempen, et al. |
12/02/14 |
600 |
Integrated Alarm System for the ALMA Observatory |
E. Schmid, E. Barrios, B. Lopez, T.-C. Shen, A. Caproni |
07/20/16 |
601 |
On the Instantaneous SIS Receiver Bandwidth |
M. Pospieszalski, A. Kerr, J. Mangum |
10/12/16 |
602 |
ALMA Sensitivity Metric for Science Sustanability Projects |
J. Mangum |
01/19/17 |
603 |
CASA Interferometric Pipeline Polarization Calibration & Imaging Requirement & Design Specifications |
C. A. Hales |
06/22/17 |
604 |
Detection and Mitigation of Radiation Induced Events in Integrated Circuits of the ALMA Baseline Correlator System |
A. Baudry, R. Lacasse, A. Saez, J. Greenberg |
06/26/17 |
605 |
Wide Bandwidth Considerations for ALMA Band 2 |
T. Mroczkowski, et al. |
05/22/19 |
606 |
ALMA & Allegro Phase Metrics Workshop Report |
L. T. Maud, E. Fomalont, R. Tilanus, B. Dent |
09/13/17 |
607 |
Digital Correlator and Phased Array Architectures for Upgrading ALMA (Supplemental spreadsheet) |
A. Baudry, et al. |
12/22/17 |
608 |
Reserved |
609 |
Effects of Direct IF Sampling on the Time-Division Multiplexing Mode of Operation of the ALMA Correlator |
O. Ojeda |
01/26/18 |
610 |
Reserved |
611 |
Tools for Using Solar Coordinate Systems with ALMA |
I. Skokić, et al. |
07/09/18 |
612 |
The ALMA Development Roadmap |
J. Carpenter, et al. |
06/28/18 |
613 |
ALMA FITS Header Keywords: A Study from the Archive User Perspective |
E. Liuzzo, et al. |
12/12/18 |
614 |
The ALMA Re-Imaging Development Study |
M. Massardi, et al. |
01/16/19 |
615 |
Total Power Map to Visibilities (TP2VIS): Joint-Deconvolution of ALMA 12M, 7M & Total Power Array Data |
J. Koda, P. Teuben, T. Sawada, A. Plunkett, E. Fomalont |
02/14/19 |
616 |
Analysis of the ALMA Cycle 7 Supplemental Call |
J. Carpenter, et al. |
11/05/20 |
617 |
(Cover page) Study Report: NRC TALON Frequency Slice Architecture Correlator / Beamformer (AT.CBF) for ALMA |
B. Carlson, M. Pleasance, T. Gunaratne, S. Vrcic |
09/21/20 |
618 |
The ObsMode 2020 Process |
S. Takahashi, E. B. Fomalont, Y. Asaki, G. Crew, L. D. Matthews, et al. |
04/01/21 |
619 |
A Novel Clock and Timing Approach for Achieving 200+ km ALMA Baselines |
B. Carlson |
04/09/21 |
620 |
Self-calibration and Improving Image Fidelity for ALMA and Other Radio Interferometers |
A. M. S. Richards, et al. |
07/12/22 |
621 |
The ALMA2030 Wideband Sensitivity Upgrade |
J. Carpenter, C. Brogan, D. Iono, T. Mroczkowski |
10/31/22 |
622 |
Cross-Polarization and Beam Offsets Due to Optics Element Misalignment |
S. Srikanth |
11/10/22 |
623 |
Mitigation Statistics for ALMA Cycle 7 |
A. A. Kepley, A. Lipnicky, U. R. Venkata, R. Indebetouw |
02/27/23 |
624 |
Updates to ALMA Site Properties: Using the ESO-Allegro Phase RMS Database |
L. T. Maud, et al. |
04/14/23 |
625 |
Proof of Concept of the ALMA WSU Data Transmission System |
M. Fujieda, et al. |
08/04/23 |
626 |
Estimates of ALMA WSU Data Properties |
A. A. Kepley, et al. |
01/31/24 |
627 |
Compilation of Technical Papers on ALMA Receivers |
T. Bakx, J. Conway |
11/14/24 |
628 |
High-cadence Observations of the Sun |
S. Wedemeyer, et al. |
08/26/24 |
629 |
Quantization Correction for Auto and Cross Power Spectra in the Spectral Domain (Tables) |
T. Kamazaki, S. Kameno |
10/22/24 |